Archive | September, 2013

“No Longer Could Socialism Hide Their Fascist Agenda”

19 Sep

Druckenmiller: Fed robbing poor to pay rich

English: Components of the liability side of t...

English: Components of the liability side of the Federal Reserve System balance sheet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“One of the most striking aspects… of the Inquisition was its form of financing: …the Inquisition depended exclusively on the confiscation of the goods of the denounced… That the situation was open to abuse is evident,” – Wikipedia

“The Federal Reserve isn’t just inflating markets but is shifting a massive amount of wealth from the middle class and poor to the rich, according to billionaire hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller.” – CBS NEWS


1350 AD – The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history killing approximately 100 million people.

1337 to 1453 AD – The Hundred Years’ War was a series of conflicts between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France for control of the French throne.

1400 to Present – The printing gives common people the information once only held by the Church, tyrants and monarchs. A Golden Age of Liberty and prosperity is born.


2013 ADDoctors in the practice MD directed medicine kill 780,000 people in America every year.

1914 to 2013 – Since WWl America has been in almost continuous state of military intervention in countries around the world for control of it’s imperial dominance.

Present to the near Future – The Internet gives common people the total sum of human knowledge at their fingertips. No longer could Socialism hide their Fascist agenda or their adoration of Big Pharma and the private Banksters. The Sheeple woke up and a New Golden Age Of Liberty and Prosperity was was born.

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More Proof That Global Warming Is A Complete Joke

14 Sep

Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record’

‘There is more sea ice now than there was on this date in 2002’

WTF? This is so hilarious. Why are Libtards, Socialists, and Communists just like Christians, Muslims and Jews.

What’s with the ‘YouSuckism?’

Why do a certain group of humans love to fall into this idea that they suck and they need Salvation?

How is the ridiculous notion of Global Warming any different than Original Sin?

Everything old is new again?

No, everything stupid is still stupid.

“Oh, I suck for being me. Oh, I suck for breathing. Oh, I suck for farting. Let me find someone to pay so I don’t suck anymore. An Indulgence! A Carbon tax! Anything let me pay!!”

Who came up with this crap?

Read the science here.

Anyone with an idea how to give these peeps a backbone implant please comment! lol…

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Been a long time…

13 Sep

New World Order lol…

The Creative Panic



I’ve been drawing, but not posting… Here is a quick one I did a week ago!


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Putin Invokes MLK To Cut Down Obama’s War Machine?

13 Sep
English: Nobel Peace Prize 2009, Barack Obama

English: Nobel Peace Prize 2009, Barack Obama (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Who writes this stuff?

Former thug, KGB assassin, and now Emperor of Russia Vladmir Putin out finesses the Peace Prize President like a Bolshoi ballerina?

He takes Franken-face John ‘double-speak’ Kerry’s off the cuff comment about international chemical weapons oversight and uses it to grind the Obama War Machine to halt?

While the Labrador Retriever and Chief’s only option is to stand before the American people to whimper, whine and plead the nation to let him start WWIII in honor of the dead kids on cold floors?

Imagine the absurdity:

 “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” – Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech. 8/28/1963,

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security, are at stake in Syria,…I believe we should act. That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional” – Obama’s Speech to the Nation. 9/10/2013.

“…There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.” – Putin’s Letter To The American People 9/11/2013.

Hey but Putin, You for got this part!

“And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, (Americans, Russians and Syrians) will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

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Bad Romance: Thank You Building 7

11 Sep

9/11 happened before the world was new.


Free-fall (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New World Trade Center 7 building, from the groundThe definition of a controlled demolition is a building falling into it’s footprint at free fall speed.

Hello, Building 7.

The beauty of Building 7 is whoever pulled it never imagined in a million years that it would fall a gazillion times on computer screens and minds all over the world.

What everyone seems to forget is 9/11 happened before YouTube, and the Internet.

9/11 happened before the world was new.

But the New World grabbed it and won’t let go.

Building 7 is the ‘boogie board’ that humanity is using to ride the wave out of ‘false flag’ war mongering and into the Dawn of a New Golden Age.

False flags have been around as long as humans had skins and sticks.

Thank you Building 7.

Woah oo woah woah…oh oo Oo oh, Oh baby, caught in a bad romance…

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Wow! Journalism Still Lives

10 Sep
English: Vladimir Putin at school age

English: Vladimir Putin at school age (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Journalist Lee Smith rocks. Putin Didn’t Save Obama, He Beat Him is a glorious political escapade exposed.

Smith jumps in and paints a picture that is so schoolyard and juvenile yet renders it in a raw, forceful, Hemingway like style.

Right, Putin is laughing to himself. Whatever. If Obama wants to sell it like a Christmas miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue that’s fine with Putin, because Putin won.

Chicken skin…

It’s hard not to be impressed with Putin. A man who up until yesterday seemed merely crass, has revealed himself to be capable of great subtlety. For years his method was so transparent, so obvious, his vulgarities intended to appall and shock the White House…That’s all true, but now we see that Putin was testing Obama and looking for openings.

It’s a game…

And so Obama ignored Putin’s slights and held his head high. This revealed to Putin Obama’s real liability, his vanity. Obama always needs to look good.


I love this article.

Putin Didn’t Save Obama, He Beat Him

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American Power Collapse Just Like Russia and France

9 Sep

American Power Collapse Just Russia and France

Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as we are witnessing with the United States.

Picture of President Kennedy in the limousine ...

Picture of President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wow! Now that’s an opening paragraph.

America used to have an isolationist identity.

That was until it was taken over by Banksters whose false flag expertise led the nation into wars of the world.

Today, we are awake.

It took 40 years to realize the Kennedy assassination was an inside job.

It took about 4 years for 9/11.

And about 4 minutes for the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

It doesn’t work anymore.

Do you think they wonder what sunlight feels like?

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Vatican: Violence and war are never the way to peace!

8 Sep
Coat (dog)

Coat (dog) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I love how the devote Socialist sees themselves as intellectually superior to theology when in fact they are just as stupid and ridiculous as the organized religion they love to despise.

Today, the State is the Church and the Socialist is the Inquisitor ready to boil you in oil for hurting the earth with your farts and your breath.

And Barack Obama is Our Labrador Retriever In Chief.

AWWwwwww….. Puggy wuggy goo face would never hurt no body wady.

Where’s your funny hat dude?

We are at the Dawn of a New Golden Age. The proof is all around us.

The world is waking up.

100,000 marched for peace at the Vatican yesterday while Our Lab In Chief is following his Masters orders by trying to start WWIII.

Imagine, the former face of torture and death in the name of Christ is making more sense then the Nobel Peace Prize-inator.

Pope Francis: This evening, I ask the Lord that we Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: Violence and war are never the way to peace! May the noise of weapons cease! War always marks the failure of peace, it is always a defeat for humanity.

Full article here

Better watch your mouth and watch your back Pope.

Someone might just bite you in the ass.

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